赶早每日读-15 | SAT可汗阅读小说The House of Mirth节选

2023-05-10 14:56:27

文章出处:The House of Mirth

字数401 | 每日读累计字数:10333

“The resources of New York are rather meagre,” he said; ” but I’ll find a hansom first, and then we’ll invent something.” He led her through the throng of returning holiday-makers, past sallow-faced girls in preposterous hats, and flat-chested women struggling with paper bundles and palm-leaf fans. Was it possible that she belonged to the same race? The dinginess, the crudity of this average section of womanhood made him feel how highly specialized she was.

A rapid shower had cooled the air, and clouds still hung refreshingly over the moist street.

“How delicious! Let us walk a little,” she said as they emerged from the station.

They turned into Madison Avenue and began to stroll northward. As she moved beside him, with her long light step, Selden was conscious of taking a luxurious pleasure in her nearness: in the modelling of her little ear, the crisp upward wave of her hair-was it ever so slightly brightened by art?-and the thick planting of her straight black lashes. Everything about her was at once vigorous and exquisite, at once strong and fine. He had a confused sense that she must have cost a great deal to make, that a great many dull and ugly people must, in some mysterious way, have been sacrificed to produce her. He was aware that the qualities distinguishing her from the hear of her sex were chiefly external; as though a fine glaze of beauty and fastidiousness had been applied to vulgar clay.  Yet the analogy left him unsatisfied, for a coarse texture will not take a high finish; and was it not possible that the material was fine, but that circumstance had fashioned it into a futile shape?

As he reached this point in his speculations the sun came out, and her lifted parasol cut off his enjoyment. A moment or two later she paused with a sigh.

“Oh, dear, I’m so hot and thirsty-and what a hideous place New York is!” She looked despairingly up and down the dreary thoroughfare. “other cities put on their best clothes in summer, but New York seems to sit in its shirtsleeves.” Her eye wandered down one of the side-streets. “someone had had the humanity to plant a few trees over there. Let us go into the shade.”

“I am glad my street meets with your approval,” said Selden as they turned the corner.

“Your Street? Do you live here?”









作为提供真正的一站式申请服务的赶早咨询,从2018年4月12日开始,正式推出赶早每日读。内容涵盖但不限于以下刊物节选:The New Yorker; Scientific American; WallStreet Journal; National Geographic; Reader’s digest; The Economist; 美国建国历史文献;经典文学著作;近期各类书榜热门图书





赶早咨询【全一线教师申请团队 真正的一站式服务】:




没有固定的办公地点 因为我们知道效率第一 所以我们贴身陪伴

没有固定的工作时间 因为我们知道效率第一 所以我们时刻相随

没有固定的服务模式 因为我们知道效率第一 所以我们量身打造



尹梦琮老师从业于2011年,曾任北京新东方北美精英计划规划师、项目专员、常青藤计划运营负责人。为来自全国各地以及在美国就读的学员提供长线学术指导和申请服务,了解学生在留学路上需要经历的每一步。教授TOEFL写作、SAT写作、ACT写作,连续3年教出SAT写作满分的学员。讲授方式活泼自然,富于感染力,教学内容细致实用,条例清晰,把自己的写作满分传递给每一位学生。2016年开始在考满分熟悉线上授课方式,通过直播方式教授千余学员的TOEFL写作课程,为学生的备考提供省时高效的帮助。期间,长期维护答疑微信群,时时了解和追踪学员的备考进度,提供合理的备考规划。每次TOEFL出分,班里的写作平均分不低于24,其中27分以上学员占21%。由于自己坚实的写作基础,为学员申请文书的写作工作提供了高质量的保障。目前, 已经有六届学生毕业并顺利考入美国大学,其中90%的学员进入了美国前50的大学。

范雯静老师2008-2017年供职于新东方,曾任北京新东方北美精英计划主管、常青藤计划规划师,负责北美本科生精英计划全体教师的招聘,培训,晋升。为来自全国各地以及在美国就读的学员提供长线学术指导和申请服务。教授TOEFL阅读、SAT阅读、ACT阅读。授课逻辑清晰,要求严格。2015届所带常青藤计划学员阅读平均分723,其中满分800的学员3人; 2016届所带学员阅读平均分又较上届有将近20分的跃升。 2017届ACT首考总分30以上学生比例53%。2017届学生ACT阅读平均分28.35,托福满分考生案例不胜枚举。美国生活经历,自驾超2万公里游历超过50所美加名校,多年积累的前期培训、后期申请以及美国生活经验确保了以起点零基础为主体的学生的最终录取结果覆盖美国前三十顶尖大学近90%。

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